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Ankle Replacement Transforms Hopeless Situations into Active Lives Technological advances in ankle replacement are ushering in a new world of pain-free movement for people suffering from debilitating ankle arthritis. While once severely restricted in their activity, those wh...
/article/ankle-replacement-transforms-hopeless-situations-i 1/10/2018 2:37:06 PM
Ulcers, which are open sores in the skin, occur when the outer layers of the skin are injured and the deeper tissues become exposed. They can be caused by excess pressure due to ill-fitting shoes, long periods in bed or after an injury that breaks the skin. Ulcers are commonl...
/conditions/wounds 1/10/2018 2:18:13 PM
Ulcers, which are open sores in the skin, occur when the outer layers of the skin are injured and the deeper tissues become exposed. They can be caused by excess pressure due to ill-fitting shoes, long periods in bed or after an injury that breaks the skin. Ulcers are commonl...
/conditions/ulcers 1/10/2018 2:10:52 PM
Tingly feet can be a sign of nerve loss. The nerves in the feet come from the lower back. Pressure or chemical change in the nerve can cause a tingling sensation in the feet. Any sensation that is out of the ordinary can be an early sign of neurologic or vascular problems. In...
/conditions/tingly-feet 1/10/2018 2:06:14 PM
What Is a Soft-Tissue Biopsy?    A soft-tissue biopsy is the removal and microscopic examination of a small sample of soft tissue for diagnostic purposes. Soft tissue includes the skin, fat, muscle and tendons that surround, connect or support other tissues or organs. Soft-t...
/conditions/soft-tissue-biopsy 1/10/2018 1:40:13 PM
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease in which certain cells of the immune system malfunction and attack healthy joints. RA causes inflammation in the lining (synovium) of joints, most often the joints of the hands and feet. The signs of in...
/conditions/rheumatoid-arthritis-in-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 1:21:03 PM
What Is Peripheral Arterial Disease?   Commonly referred to as poor circulation, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is the restriction of blood flow in the arteries of the leg. When arteries become narrowed by plaque (the accumulation of cholesterol and other materials on the...
/conditions/peripheral-arterial-disease-(p-a-d-) 1/10/2018 12:49:30 PM
Osteoporosis, which means “porous bone,” is a condition in which bones become weak and thin due to lack of calcium and/or vitamin D. People with osteoporosis have an increased risk of bone fractures (breaks).  Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease” because many pe...
/conditions/osteoporosis 1/10/2018 12:46:14 PM
What Is Osteoarthritis?   Osteoarthritis is a condition characterized by the breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage in one or more joints. Cartilage (the connective tissue found at the end of the bones in the joints) protects and cushions the bones during movement. When ca...
/conditions/osteoarthritis-of-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 12:43:33 PM
Eczema is a general term that includes many conditions that cause inflammation of the skin. The symptoms of eczema vary, but thay generally appear as dry, red and extremely itchy patches of skin. Small blisters may sometimes form.  Eczema can occur on any part of the body, i...
/conditions/eczema-of-the-foot 1/10/2018 11:40:52 AM
What Is Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy?   Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. When it affects the arms, hands, legs and feet, it is known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is different from peripheral arterial disease (poor...
/conditions/diabetic-peripheral-neuropathy 1/10/2018 11:39:56 AM
What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis?   The blood supply of the leg is transported by arteries and veins. The arteries carry blood from the heart to the limbs; veins carry blood back to the heart. The leg contains superficial veins, which are close to the surface, and deep veins, wh...
/conditions/deep-vein-thrombosis-(dvt) 1/10/2018 11:37:19 AM
Cold feet are most commonly a result of medical conditions that cause poor blood flow in the legs or feet, such as peripheral vascular disease (PVD), a blockage or narrowing of the arteries, Raynauds’s phenomenon (cold sensitivity that causes a spasm of the blood vessels) and...
/conditions/cold-feet 1/10/2018 11:21:15 AM
Don't Let Your Feet Ruin Your Day at the Beach    As millions of Americans hit the beach this summer, the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons offers these foot safety tips. (View full-sized version) Protect Your Feet from Puncture Wounds and Cuts Wear shoe...
/article/don-t-let-your-feet-ruin-your-day-at-the-beach 12/6/2017 1:25:43 PM
Childhood Obesity Linked to Foot Pain Look down to find one possible culprit in America’s childhood obesity epidemic: feet. Physician members of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons have noticed a link between foot pain and childhood obesity. A vicious cycle oc...
/article/childhood-obesity-linked-to-foot-pain 11/29/2017 11:04:16 AM
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