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Why choose a foot and ankle surgeon? Foot and ankle surgeons are the leading experts in foot and ankle care today. As doctors of podiatric medicine – also known as podiatrists, DPMs or occasionally “foot and ankle doctors” – they are the board-certified surgical speci...
/foot-ankle-conditions/search-the-foot-ankle 6/17/2021 4:48:48 PM
Rugby is hard on the feet and ankles! Injuries can occur from running and cutting, direct trauma during tackling and during the scrum. Rugby players should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments and can also be associate...
/conditions/rugby-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 1:22:39 PM
Soccer is hard on the feet! Injuries to the foot and ankle can occur from running and side-to-side cutting, sliding or tackling and from striking the ball or another player with the foot. Soccer players should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains ...
/conditions/soccer-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 1:38:09 PM
The repetitive jumping and side-to-side movements required in volleyball increase the risk of injuries to the foot and ankle. Volleyball players should be aware of the following: Inversion ankle sprains  are a common injury in this sport. Ankle sprains should be evaluat...
/conditions/volleyball-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 2:12:30 PM
Feet and ankles take a beating in basketball! Injuries can occur from running, jumping, cutting, quick starts and stops, and direct contact with other players. Basketball players should be aware of the following: Inversion ankle sprains  can damage the ankle ligaments a...
/conditions/basketball-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 11/8/2017 2:45:17 PM
The running and side-to-side cutting in field hockey are common causes of injuries to the foot and ankle. Field hockey players should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments and can also be associated with peroneal tendo...
/conditions/field-hockey-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 11/8/2017 2:45:45 PM
The running and side-to-side cutting in lacrosse are common causes of injuries to the foot and ankle. Lacrosse players should be aware of the following risks:  Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments and can also be associated with peroneal tendon injur...
/conditions/lacrosse-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 12:31:46 PM
Tennis involves much foot work. Foot and ankle injuries can occur from the continuous side-to-side and quick stopping and starting motions required in this sport. The playing surface also plays a role, as hard courts are less forgiving compared to clay courts. Tennis players ...
/conditions/tennis-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 2:01:50 PM
Surgeons Offer Tips to Avoid Flood and Storm Cleanup Foot Injuries Summer storms and flooding can be horrendous at times, often leaving massive cleanup efforts from the devastation and damage left behind. After a storm has passed or flooding has occurred, one of the first t...
/article/surgeons-offer-tips-to-avoid-flood-and-storm-clean 11/9/2016 4:16:02 PM
What is a Foot & Ankle Surgeon? Foot and ankle surgeons are the surgical specialists of the podiatric profession. They provide complete medical and surgical care for a variety of conditions that affect people of every age. Why choose a foot and ankle surgeon? Foot and ankle...
/what-is-a-foot-and-ankle-surgeon 6/17/2021 4:44:33 PM
What is ACFAS? The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) was founded in 1942 and has grown into a specialty medical society of more than 7,800 members. ACFAS members are doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM) with specialty training in surgical and nonsurgical trea...
/what-is-acfas 6/17/2021 4:45:43 PM
Football players can receive injuries to the foot and ankle due to running, side-to-side cutting or from direct trauma, such as from another player during a tackle. They should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments and ...
/conditions/football-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 12:00:16 PM
Your feet and ankles take a beating when you are playing softball. Softball players should be aware of the following risks: Ankle sprains may occur while running, fielding balls and stepping on or sliding into bases. Sprains should be evaluated by a foot and ankle su...
/conditions/softball-injuries-to-the-foot-and-ankle 1/10/2018 1:44:16 PM
Foot and Ankle Surgeons Offer Safety Tips for Hikers Lack of preparation and insufficient gear may increase risk for pain and injury.      In the United States, more than 38 million people annually go hiking, and the popular recreational activity has recently seen increas...
/article/foot-and-ankle-surgeons-offer-safety-tips-for-hike 11/9/2016 12:59:49 PM
Children's Injured Feet Young athletes could see their sports dreams evaporate if they do not seek prompt treatment and do not allow full rehabilitation of foot and ankle injuries. That warning comes from sports medicine experts with the American College of Foot and Ankle Sur...
/article/children-s-injured-feet 11/29/2017 12:10:53 PM
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